Introducing Sensoria
Unlocking a brand’s gravitational pull through our most primal decision-making tool: Our Senses.
Our approach
The Sensoria Framework is based on Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, “increased attraction is correlated with decreased distance”, meaning the closer someone feels to a branded solution, the more attracted they are to it.
So, what builds closeness? Emotional Connection.

Humans make decisions leveraging what we want to FEEL, rather than logic.
Of Aristotle’s three modes of persuasion, Pathos, the “Path of Emotions”, is the most powerful.

Why the Time is Now for “Feeling-First” Communication:
In the digital age, we have less than three seconds to hook someone’s attention so communication must be FELT to cut through the clutter.
1. Images process faster than words
2. Sound is often off during video ads
3. Language can be a barrier
How Does Sensoria Strategy Increase Purchase Intent Through Emotions?
First, emotions are felt, not thought, so we must FEEL the brands.
Second, Sensoria created proprietary Feeling Frameworks to decipher how Benefits FEEL.
Third, we develop Sensorial Visualizations™, conversion triggers that speak to the emotional limbic brain instead of the logical prefrontal cortex.
Our services
Sensorial Visualization
Disruptive Innovation
Concept Development
Brand Strategy & Architecture
Market Analysis & Trends
Where does Sensorial Visualization™ fit into your current process?
Learn more about our unique Feeling Frameworks that deliver Sensorial Visualization. Within 4-6 weeks, we can deliver new conversion triggers to be used in communication, through the shopping experience, and on packaging. Our process partners with your current creative agency AND unites the cross-functional team, leveraging insights from R&D, Market Research, and Design.